Telephone for customers:

Tel. +48 518 537 385 - Headquarters

Tel. +48 501 666 612 - only SMS

Monday to Friday: 8:00 - 16:00


Bank account

Please make transfers to the following bank account number:

PL09 1050 1520 1000 0090 3239 4091  EURO

PL11 1050 1520 1000 0090 8160 8169   GBP

SWIFT code of ING Bank Śląski: INGBPLPW

BIC code of ING Bank Śląski: INGBPLPW

Please provide the order number in the transfer title

shade4you sp. z o.o. | Ul. Szczawnicka 1 | 60-471 Poznań

NIP: 7812015076 | KRS number: 0001095255 | REGON: 387549460

Company details

shade4you sp. z o.o.

Ul. Szczawnicka 1

60-471 Poznań

NIP: 7812015076 | REGON: 387549460

KRS: 0001095255 | BDO: 000523727

Share capital: 5,001,000.00 PLN, fully paid.

The company is registered in the District Court Poznań-Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register.

Labo Print S.A. Capital Group.

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